Friday, September 30, 2011
Wtc Collapse. Something exploding here. Rare View.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
US threatened Iran for 9/11 probe. Iran insists “there certainly were calculated explosives installed on different levels"
A number of airplanes cannot fly in American airspace and destroy two towers, without prior coordination with US intelligence or security agencies,” he insisted.
“An airplane striking a tower does not cause the skyscraper to be demolished like it did [in case of the New York twin towers]. The way those skyscrapers were demolished [made it clear] the very first time I watched it on TV that it was a systematic explosion. An airplane cannot hit [a skyscraper and] cause the demolition of the tower in such an organized manner.”
The Iranian president insisted that “there certainly were calculated explosives installed on different levels [of the building] which were detonated in succession.”
In his speech to the United Nations General Assembly in New York in September, 2010, President Ahmadinejad called for the formation of an independent commission to probe into the 2001 attacks in New York and near Washington, which killed nearly 3,000 people.
“Last year 2010, we called for the formation of a fact-finding commission with regards to this incident, but the US government, rather than welcoming the suggestion, threatened Iran,” said President Ahmadinejad on Saturday in an interview with the Associated Press, quoted by Iran’s presidential website.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
we petition the obama administration to:
Investigate 9/11 WTC attacks. Irrefutable, court admissible scientific evidence:Controlled Demolition www.AE911Truth.org9/11/2001 WTC New York attacks are scientifically irrefutably proven to controlled demolition, therefore inside false flag operation.
New independent investigation is needed to find out who perpetrated this act.
Nanothermite high tech military explosive was found on the site, so as tritiated water.
Who set the explosives?
3 Steel frame buildings cannot explode and evaporate, pulverize midair, in a sudden onset, uniform, close to free fall speed, 11 floors per second catastrophic total collapse through the path of greatest resistance - through themselves, and into their own footprints.
Well researched online, court admissible proof given, mainly at Also,
Links list at
Created: Sep 25, 2011Learn about Petition ThresholdsThe initial threshold for a petition to be reviewed by the White House and for an official response to be issued is 5,000 signatures in 30 days. That means it's up to you to build support for petitions you care about and gather more signatures. In addition, a petition must get 150 signatures in order to be publicly searchable on
Over time, we may need to adjust the petition signature thresholds, but we'll always let you know what the thresholds are.
Signatures needed by October 25, 2011 to reach goal of 5,000
4,999Total signatures on this petition
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Demystifying 9/11 by Alan Sabrosky. "US Military Knows Izrael did 911 False Flag"
Alan Sabrosky’s latest article about 9/11 is an excellent analysis of great historical importance.
I am also absolutely certain as a strategic analyst that 9/11 itself, from which all else flows, was a classic Mossad-orchestrated operation. But Mossad did not do it alone.
They needed local help within America (and perhaps elsewhere) and they had it, principally from some alumni of PNAC (the misnamed Project for a New American Century) and their affiliates within and outside of the US Government (USG), who in the 9/11 attacks got the “catalytic event” they needed and craved to take the US to war on Israel’s behalf, only eight months after coming into office.
- Dr. Alan Sabrosky, Demystifying 9/11: Israel and the Tactics of Mistake
Friday, September 23, 2011
911 a Battle in a War for Control of Global Financial System. Who Are Cabalists? So is 311 Nuclear Tsunami.
in 1938 7 US warships took vast amounts of Chinese gold to the US in order to keep it out of Japanese hands. In exchange the Chinese were given Treasury bonds that expired in 60-years or 1998. When that time came, the Chinese owners asked for their gold back but the owners of the Federal Reserve Board refused. The Feds were sued at the International Court of Justice in the Hague and lost.
The owners of the Fed were supposed to hand back the first shipment of gold on September 12th, 2001. As those of us who are not brainwashed understand, the Feds gave the world the “finger,” on September 11, 2001 and instead embarked on a vast new military build-up intended to replace the cold war.
However, a critical mass of military, law-enforcement, banking and other officials has identified and is about to arrest the culprits behind these and other attacks.
The search for the ultimate culprits led to something known as the global collateral accounts and a high level group of conspirators that illegally took them over.
These accounts are backed by the pooled assets of many of the world’s governments and were meant to be used to finance peaceful development.
Instead, they were mostly misspent on war by a group of misguided oligarchs concentrated in the financial, military, oil and (to a lesser extent) pharmaceutical industries.
According to a US intelligence group that has been on this case for some time, the top cabalists include George Bushes Jr.&Sr, Henry (Heinz) Kissinger, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, Senator J. Rockefeller, Paul Wolfowitz, Frank Carlucci, Donald Rumsfeld, Tony Blair and the Pope.
Of course there were many thousands of working below them or else above them in the shadows who were in on the scheme.
The intelligence and police agencies of the world have now obtained the codes for the global collateral accounts and can trace in detail who has been using these funds, and for what purpose, ever since they were hijacked in the 1950’s.
... not going to keep their promises of Marshal Plans to develop Asia and Africa. Instead they wanted to finance a dialectical fake “cold war” between the Soviets and the “Western World,” in order to benefit the military, oil and related industries.
When U.S. President John F. Kennedy agreed with the 77-nation non-aligned group to create US treasury dollars to finance the development of the third world and a trip to the moon, he was killed.
The problem with this fake war on terror is that it required the rest of the world to continue financing the US military industrial complex.
That was predicated on the complex being able to maintain control over oil, the lifeblood of the 20th century economy.
When Putin kicked the cabalists out of Russia, suddenly the cabal’s control over oil, and thus their stranglehold over much of the world’s economy, began to collapse.
The battle has now raged on for a decade. The 911 attack on the US was followed up by the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan aimed at stealing oil and obtaining illegal drug money.
However, the entire plan began to crumble after 2006 when the Chinese began to stop buying US Treasury certificates.
The cabal tried to counter this by jacking up food and oil prices. When that failed and a counterattack known as the “Lehman Shock” took place, they started sucking up to China and trying to bribe top Chinese officials with promises of a global Chinese dictatorship (in partnership with the cabal).
This was seen in the news as US President Obama going to China in 2009 and offering a “G2.”
More action took place in June of 2009 when two Japanese carrying $134.5 billion of various bonds were seized in Italy and had their bonds taken.
US military and law enforcement types followed the trail to an organization known as the OITC and a Cambodian royal family member by the name of R.C. Dam who theoretical was the legal signator to the global collateral accounts.
From there the trail led to cabal members located at the very top of the Western power structure.
could this all be true?
Very interesting, important, good article explaining our times, and New World Jungle Order.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Global Banking Cabal Defeat: Humanity Is About to be Freed. 911 Who Did It? We Do Not Know. What We Know is that it is Controlled Demolition.
9-11... Who really did it?
103 Suspected 9-11 Criminal Coconspirators*George W. Bush* eldest son of Bush crime family; guilty of election
fraud in 2000, 2004; guilty of war crimes, war profiteering, treason,
crimes against humanity; likely signed-off on 9-11 plot*Dick Cheney* former PNAC member; former chairman of CFR; guilty of war
profiteering, treason; was in bunker on 9-11 directing several war
games; lied to 9-11 Omission Commission about timing of 9-11 activities*Donald Rumsfeld* former Secretary of War and PNAC member; close
friend of Cheney; was at Pentagon on 9-11; once slipped and said when
that missile hit the Pentagon*Paul Wolfowitz* Deputy Secretary of War on 9-11; dual citizen of US
and Israel; Zionist; investigated for spying for Israel; former PNAC
member; chief architect of Iraq war; forced to resign in World Bank scandal*Richard Perle* former assistant Secretary of War, chairman War Policy
Board, and PNAC member; dual citizen of US and Israel; Zionist;
allegedly gave $100,000 to head of Pakistan's ISI, Mahmoud Ahmad;
nicknamed "Prince of Darkness"*Douglas Feith* effectively in command, with Wolfowitz, of War
Department on 9-11; Undersecretary of War for Policy; dual citizen of
US and Israel; Zionist; investigated for spying for Israel; former PNAC
member*Dov Zakheim* Pentagon comptroller when trillion dollars reported
missing on 9-10-01; dual citizen of US and Israel; Zionist; Shul
Rabbi; former CFR member; former CEO of fly-by-remote manufacturer;
reputed 9-11 mastermind*George Tenet* director of the CIA on 9-11; was awarded the Medal of
Freedom by Bush for his fine work on 9-11; reported to be dual
citizen of US and Israel*Robert Mueller* FBI director on 9-11; under his leadership FBI
field agents' warnings of an imminent attack were stifled*Thomas Pickard* took over the job of FBI director from Louis Freeh in
August 2001; held this position only for a few weeks before Robert
Mueller became director; former Terror Task Force chief John O'Neill
complained about sabotage by Pickard*Dale Watson* former Deputy Chief of the CIA at the Counter-Terrorist
Center; appointed Inspector Deputy Assistant Director of the National
Security Division (NSD), FBI Headquarters, Washington, DC in July 1998;
appointed FBI Headquarters Assistant on December 6, 1999 by the Attorney
General; ignored at least four different FBI agents' warnings including
an urgent cable from the CIA on August 23rd about Almihdhar and Alhazmi*Dave Frasca* FBI Radical Fundamentalists Unit Chief; personally
scuttled the work of Kenneth Williams in July 2001 and Coleen Rowley in
August 2001, the Arizona and Minnesota FBI agents who were actively
investigating "terrorist" patsies in CIA-operated flight schools*Marion Spike Bowman*** FBI agent who thwarted FBI investigations
into both Zacarias Moussaoui and the anthrax attacks on Congress*John Ashcroft* Attorney General on 9-11; protected terrorist patsy
Abdussattar Shaikh from subpoena after 9-11; stopped flying commercial
aircraft in 2001*Michael Chertoff* Assistant Attorney General on 9-11; freed over 100
Israeli spies in the US after 9-11; promoted to head Homeland Security;
dual citizen of US and Israel; Zionist; likely Mossad agent*Michael Mukasey* federal judge in New York; presided over 1993 WTC
bombing case; active in 9-11 cases, including Larry Silverstein's
insurance claims; oversaw the detained material witnesses of 9-11,
including five dancing Israeli Mossad agents apprehended by FBI;
recently appointed by Bush to be the next Attorney General; radical
Zionist of Russian Jewish parentage; dual citizen of US and Israel*Ted Olson * Solicitor General of the United States on 9-11; alleges
that his wife, Barbara, phoned him from AA Flight 77 to report that it
was highjacked by men with knives and box cutters; Flight 77 allegedly
crashed into the Pentagon though there was no wreckage of a 757 at the
site, no bodies, no luggage, and the hole in the side of the Pentagon
was much too small to accommodate a 757 (Barbara is not likely alive,
but she was not killed at the Pentagon event)*Colin Powell* Secretary of State on 9-11; met with General Mahmoud
Ahmad two days after 9-11; former chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff;
helped cover up Vietnam My Lai massacre*Condi Rice* National Security Adviser on 9-11; promoted to Secretary
of State; lied to 9-11 Omission Commission while under oath*Tommy Thompson* Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary; hired
Jerome Hauer, former Office of Emergency Center, on 9-10-01*Jerome Hauer* managing director of Kroll and senior adviser to US
Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) for National Security and
Emergency Management on 9-11; put John O'Neill at the WTC on 9-11; lied
to Dan Rather on CBS News on 9-11 about the controlled demolition of WTC
buildings; director of Giuliani's Office of Emergency Management from
1996 to 2000*Porter Goss* former House Intelligence Chair; was meeting with
General Mahmoud Ahmad, head of Pakistan's ISI and 9-11 financier, on
9-11; promoted to Director of CIA, resigned after hookergate*Bob Graham* former Florida Senator; was meeting with General Mahmoud
Ahmad, head of Pakistan's ISI and 9-11 financier, on 9-11; ran for
President in 2004*Marc Grossman* Under Secretary for Political Affairs on 9-11; met
with General Mahmoud Ahmad, head of Pakistan's ISI and 9-11 financier,
on or shortly after 9-11; dual citizen of US and Israel*Richard Armitage* former member of PNAC, Deputy Secretary of State;
met with General Mahmoud Ahmad, head of Pakistan's ISI and 9-11
financier, shortly after 9-11*Philip Zelikow* led the 9-11 Cover-Up Commission; personally wrote
the 9-11 Omission Commission Report, a best-selling work of fiction;
appointed Counselor of US Department of State
; dual
citizen of US and Israel*Ari Fleischer* White House spokesman for Bush on 9-11; dual citizen
of US and Israel; connected to the extremist group called the Chabad
Lubavitch Hasidics*Andrew Card* Bush's Chief of Staff on 9-11; was with Bush at Booker
Elementary School in Florida on 9-11; claims to have whispered to Bush,
"A second plane hit the second tower, America is under attack"*Karl Rove* Bush's top strategist, known as "Bush's Brain"; America's
Joseph Goebbels; was behind the campaign to oust Georgia Representative
Cynthia McKinney who was the first nationally-known politician to
question Bush's role in 9-11; in June 2005, said, "Conservatives saw the
savagery of 9-11 in the attacks and prepared for war, liberals saw the
savagery of the 9-11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer
therapy and understanding for our attackers"*Richard Meyers* in charge of USA air defenses on 9-11; lied to 9-11
Omission Commission about reasons for air defense failure on 9-11;
promoted to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff*Ralph Eberhardt* NORAD Commander on 9-11; fanatical supporter of
missile defense scheme, militarization of space; enthusiastic supporter
of merging law enforcement and the military*Larry Arnold* NORAD Commander Major General on 9-11; has used 9-11 to
push militarization of USA*Eric Findley* Canadian Air Force Major General; acting commander of
NORAD on 9-11*Montague Winfield* Major General in charge of Pentagon war room on
9-10-01, the evening of September 10th he requested a rookie to stand in
for him on 9-11*Richard Mies* former Admiral; ran Global Guardian war game on 9-11
out of US Strategic Command (Stratcom) at Offutt Air Force Base; now CEO
of Hicks & Associates, a strategic consultant to the USG dealing in
military transformation*Henry Shelton* chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff on 9-11; supported
formation of Able Danger*Peter Schoomaker* US Army Chief of Staff; former SOCOM (Special
Operations Command) chief; ran Able Danger*Geoffrey Lambert* Major General; SOCOM (Special Operations Command)
Intel Chief; made Able Danger, the program that tracked patsy
"terrorists", off limits to FBI*John Brinkerhoff* retired US Army Colonel who was a career senior
executive in the Office of Secretary of War; from 1981 to 1983, FEMA
associate director for national preparedness where he developed plan for
martial law; claims intentions of Posse Comitatus are "misunderstood and
misapplied", that USG has "full and absolute authority" to use troops to
quell American uprising; after 9-11, joined Anser Institute for Homeland
Security and wrote "talking points" supporting revised "national
security initiatives" that would allow imposition of martial law*John Lehman * Reagan's Navy Secretary from 1981 till 1987; claims US
is in religious war against "violent, Islamic Fundamentalism"; member
9-11 Omission Commission; PNAC member*Tony Gentry* Army Intelligence and Security Command General Counsel;
ordered 2.5 terrabytes of Able Danger data destroyed*Philip Odeen* as director of Program Analysis for the National
Security Council, provided staff support to Henry Kissinger from 1971 to
1973; served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of War in Systems Analysis;
named to chair the National War Panel in 1997; former president of
Reynolds and Reynolds; former CEO and president of BDM International;
executive vice president of Washington operations of TRW*Elliot Abrams* former member of PNAC, National Security Council;
pleaded guilty in 1991 to lying to Congress about Iran-Contra affair;
dual citizen of US and Israel; Zionist*Lewis "Scooter" Libby* former PNAC member; studied political science
at Yale under Paul Wolfowitz; aid to Cheney; convicted for lying about
outing of Valerie Plame; dual citizen of US and Israel; Zionist*Jack Abramoff* entertained USG "terrorist" patsy Mohammed Atta on
his yacht just before 9-11; convicted criminal lobbyist; ardent Zionist*Jeb Bush* Florida governor on 9-11; declared martial law in Florida
four days before 9-11; brother of George Bush; PNAC member; guilty of
election fraud in 2000*Rudolph Giuliani* mayor of New York on 9-11; hailed as "hero" for his
"gutsy" leadership on 9-11; allegedly involved with FEMA and former NYC
Police Chief Kerik in Operation Code Angel*Bernard Kerik* NYC Police Chief on 9-11; "sidekick" of Giuliani;
allegedly involved with FEMA in WTC demolition "war games" called
Operation Code Angel*Lewis Eisenberg* chairman Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
on 9-11; authorized transfer of WTC leases to Silverstein and Lowy just
weeks before 9-11; later appointed chairman of Republican National
Committee; Zionist*Eliot Spitzer* New York Attorney General on 9-11; barred his top
aide, Deputy Attorney General Dietrich Snell, from testifying to
Congress on Able Danger; threw out Karl Schwarz's 9-11 synopsis*Richard Holbrooke* former US ambassador to UN; CFR member; co-chaired
"Independent Task Force on America's Response to Terrorism" in which the
Official Conspiracy Theory (OCT) was promoted*John Deutch* former Undersecretary of War, director of CIA;
co-authored paper, "Catastrophic Terrorism: A National Policy" with
Zelikow, Ashton Carter; senior partner at Global Technology Partners, an
affiliate of Rothschild North America; MIT professor; grandson of Yonah
Fischer, Antwerp diamond merchant who ran Zionist Federation of Belgium*Ashton Carter* co-authored paper, "Catastrophic Terrorism: A National
Policy" with Zelikow and Deutch; senior partner at Global Technology
Partners, an affiliate of Rothschild North America*Michael Ledeen* became "anti-terrorism" advisor to Secretary of
State, Al Haig in 1981; contacts with mullahs in Iran-Contra affair;
alleged ties to Italian fascist P2 Masonic Lodge; contacts with Libby,
Cheney's Chief of Staff; top NeoCon(vict) advisor to Bush and Karl Rove;
member AEI (American Enterprise Institute); wrote book extolling fascism*Abdussattar Shaikh* FBI informant to the San Diego office; helped
bring "terrorist" patsies to USA; protected by Attorney General Ashcroft*Abdullah Noman* worked for the US Consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia;
filed 10-15 visas for the patsy 9-11 "hijackers" in the Visa Express Program*Daniel Lewin* officer in elite, secret unit of Israeli military
called "Sayeret Matkal"; orchestrated activities of Mossad agents in USA
before 9-11; was allegedly stabbed or "shot" by highjacker Satam
al-Suqami before AA flight 11 crashed into the WTC*Dominic Suter* Mossad agent; his front company, Urban Moving Systems,
employed the five Mossad agents caught celebrating in New York on 9-11*Sivan Kurzberg* driver of van belonging to the celebrating Israelis;
when stopped by police on 9-11, he said "We are Israelis. We are not
your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are your
problem"*John Gross* one of the lead engineers for the flawed NIST report on
why the WTC buildings collapsed; denies existence of molten steel at the WTC*Theresa McAllister * edited the flawed NIST report on why the WTC
buildings collapsed*Ronald Hamburger* structural engineer and Senior Principal at
Simpson Gumpertz and Heger consulting engineers in San Francisco; was a
principal author of FEMA's initial report on the collapse of the twin
towers; later a key participant in the flawed NIST report on why the WTC
buildings collapsed*William Baker* member of FEMA Probe Team; partner with Skidmore,
Owings, Merrill; contributed to the flawed NIST report on why the WTC
buildings collapsed*Harold Nelson* contributed to the flawed NIST report on why the WTC
buildings collapsed*Ramon Gilsanz* contributed to the flawed NIST report on why the WTC
buildings collapsed*Shankar Nair* contributed to the flawed NIST report on why the WTC
buildings collapsed; quoted in Chicago Tribune, September 19, 2001 that
"Already there is near-consensus as to the sequence of events that led
to the collapse of the World Trade Center"*Gene Corley* led FEMA/ASCE WTC collapse "investigation"; was the
principal investigator for ASCE and FEMA of the 1995 bombing of the
Murrah Federal Office Building in Oklahoma City*Paul Mlakar* part of ASCE team that investigated both WTC and Murrah
Federal building attacks*Mete Sozen* part of ASCE team that investigated both WTC and Murrah
Federal building attacks*Charles Thornton* partner of Richard Tomasetti; told Karl Koch,
whose company erected the WTC steel, "Karl, we all know what caused the
collapse"; part of ASCE team that investigated both WTC and Murrah
Federal building attacks*Richard Tomasetti* partner of Charles Thornton; reportedly behind
the unprecedented and widely criticized decision to destroy most of the
WTC steel evidence*Victor Ganzi* president and CEO of Hearst Corporation since June 1,
2002; the Hearst publication, Popular Mechanics, has repeatedly tried to
debunk the truth of 9-11*Benjamin Chertoff* 25-year-old cousin of Michael Chertoff; senior
"researcher" for Popular Mechanics' hit piece on 9-11 Truth Movement*Kevin Delaney * FAA manager at the New York Air Route Traffic Control
Center who destroyed controllers' tapes of 9-11*Marvin Bush* brother of George Bush; on board of Securacom,
US-Kuwaiti company paid $9.2 million to manage WTC security October 1996
to 1998; on board of HCC Insurance, big WTC insurer*Wirt Walker* cousin of George Bush; principal at Securacom,
US-Kuwaiti joint-venture that managed security for WTC, United Airlines,
and Dulles Airport, all of which figured into 9-11*Larry Silverstein* he and partner Frank Lowy obtained 99-year lease
on WTC shortly before 9-11; made several billion dollars on 9-11
insurance fraud; admitted to "pulling" WTC 7; Zionist*Frank Lowy* he and partner Larry Silverstein obtained 99-year lease
on WTC shortly before 9-11; came to Palestine in 1945 from Hungarian to
fight as Golani commando in Israeli "War of Independence"; Australia's
second richest person; in May 2007, investigated by Israeli police for
corruption scandal involving Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert; Zionist*David Rockefeller* vice director of the Council on Foreign Relations
(1949-1985), vice president (1950-1970), and chairman (1970-1985); as
chairman of the Downtown-Lower Manhattan Association (1958 to 1975) was
primary builder of WTC complex; founder and honorary chairman of the
Trilateral Commission; president or CEO of Chase Manhattan Bank, 1961 to
1981; 9-11 was the anniversary of 1973 CIA-sponsored coup plotted by
David Rockefeller's cabal and overseen by Nelson's protégé Henry
Kissinger that toppled Chile's President Salvadore Allende*Nicholas Rockefeller* told film-maker Aaron Russo of coming
catastrophic event eleven months before 9-11*Warren Buffett* was hosting golf charity event at the US Strategic
Command headquarters at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha on 9-11 (Bush
flew to Offutt afternoon of 9-11); world's second richest person*Rupert Murdoch* key player in Zionist-controlled corporate media
which began the 9-11 cover-up on day one; connected to individuals who
privatized and leased WTC just weeks before 9-11; vocal supporter of
Zionist extremists Benjamin Netanyahu and Ariel Sharon; honored by
leading Zionist organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)
and the United Jewish Appeal (UJA), in which Silverstein, Lowy, and
Eisenberg all hold senior positions; Zionist who tries to hide his
Jewish heritage*Maurice Greenberg* CEO of American International Group (AIG) on 9-11
which became co-owner of the "private spy agency", Kroll Associates, in
1993 and was a major share-holder in Marsh & McClennan whose CEO on 9-11
was Maurice's son Jeffrey; director of the New York Federal Reserve bank
(1988-1995); deputy chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
in 1996; major investor in the Blackstone Group*Jules Kroll* founder of Kroll Corporation, a "security services"
company which was in charge of "security" at WTC on 9-11; has close
links to CIA and is active private military contractor in Iraq; Zionist*Paul Bremer* Marsh & McClennan executive on 9-11; Chairman of the
Congressional National Commission on Terrorism, 1999 to 2000; US
Ambassador-at-Large for Counterterrorism, 1986 to 1989; Presidential
Envoy to Irag and Adminstrator of the Coaltion Provisional Authority,
May 2003 to December 2004*Wallace Hilliard * with Saudi investors including Shiek Kamal Adham,
Adnan Khashoggi, and Prince Nawaf bin Abdul Aziz. bought Venice, Florida
Huffman Aviation in 1999 where Mohammed Atta and other alleged 9-11
highjackers allegedly learned to fly; flight school linked to CIA firm*Peter Peterson* CEO of the Blackstone Group, parent corporation of
one of three lease-holders for WTC 7 on 9-11; also chairman of the CFR
and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on 9-11; CEO of the Institute
for International Economics in October 2000*A.B. "Buzzy" Krongard* now number three Executive Director at the
CIA; until 1998, managed firm used to place "put options" on United
Airlines which has left $2.5 million in "profits" unclaimed*Mark Loizeaux* as CEO of CDI was instrumental in "recycling" steel
from WTC crime scene; CDI also buried the rubble from the crime scene of
the Murrah Federal Building*Loring Knoblauch* CEO of Underwriters Labs; said that jet fuel fires
were not "reasonably foreseeable"; resigned suddenly in August 2004
after UL performed tests of WTC floor models where floors did not
collapse and were barely affected*Michael Cherkasky* CEO of Kroll on 9-11; former investigator in the
Manhattan DA's Office from 1978 to 1994; now CEO of insurance-firm Marsh
& McClennan*Frank Carlucci* former Secretary of War; affiliated with PNAC; served
as chairman of the Carlyle Group (1992-2003); on BoD of BDM International*William Kristol* PNAC co-founder; adherent of Leo Strauss
; editor of The Weekly
Standard; strong advocate of the Iraq war; dual citizen of US and
Israel; Zionist*William Perry* former Secretary of War; associated with the
Rothschild's banking empire through Global Technology, a Rothschild
affiliate*James Woolsey* former CIA director; PNAC member; claims
"incompetence" was reason for 9-11*Newt Gingrich* former Speaker of the House; PNAC member; reputed to
be a member of the CFR; served on the Pentagon's War Policy Board*Henry Kissinger* long criminal history; wanted for war crimes in
several countries; sat on War Policy Board under Perle; chosen to lead
9-11 Cover-Up Omission Commission; dual citizen of US and Israel*George H.W. Bush* Bush crime family Don; Skull and Bones; CIA
operative involved in JFK assassination; former head of CIA; son of
friend shot Reagan when he was VP; war profiteer*Tony Blair* British Prime Minister on 9-11; ally and partner in crime
of George Bush; London 7-7 bombings were also "false flag" operation*Pauline Neville-Jones* International Governor of BBC on 9-11;
Chairman of UK Joint Intelligence Committee (1991-1994); Chairman of
QinetiQ Group, a war technology company with government customers in UK
and USA; Chairman of Information Assurance Advisory Council (IAAC)*Mahmoud Ahmad* head of Pakistan's ISI; had Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh
wire $100,000 to lead 9-11 "terrorist" patsy Mohammad Atta*Benjamin Netanyahu* former Israeli Prime Minister; said 9-11 was
"good" for US-Israeli relationship; in NYC on 9-11 and in London on 7-7
bombings*Ariel Sharon* Israeli Prime Minister on 9-11; heavy Mossad
involvement in 9-11 (200 Israeli intelligence agents rounded up after
9-11, five Mossad agents arrested filming and celebrating WTC collapses,
employees of Mossad-operated company at WTC notified hours before plane
hit) implicates Sharon; infamous Zionist terrorist and war criminal; now
said to be comatose
A cataclysmic shift in both Global Politics and Economics is now well under way.
World Governments are coming to understand how the Global Banking System is systematically looting entire economies through theft, fraud, deception and manipulation, which in turn forces Governments to raise taxes that citizens should not have to pay.
Former Presidents and Prime Ministers of countries who have sided with the Banking Cabal, are now already jumping ship and supporting the growing movement toward proper financial management of the Global Accounts around the World.
We are on the cusp of a whole new era for the world.
One thing the “rats” should realize, no matter how powerful they think they are, Governments make the laws.
In the end, these rats that own the Federal Reserve System and the Global Banking System are subject to law, and their days manipulating politicians will come to a very hard end as the politicians wake up.
>yes, but if cabal buys into governments, IS governments, corrupts governments, then nothing positive as described above might happen
Earthquakes in Colorado, Wash DC area, 8/22, 23 are nuclear strikes against underground military facilities. /?

is this a war between US military and Cia / intelligence?
it would be going on right underneath Americans feet, but sure people wouldn't even know about it!
have you seen the youtube video of series of explosions in Colorado by a hiker in the are of suppossed underground secret bunker tunnels exit
another full article on end of times - Time of End
is Cia moving to Denver? why? to false flag east coast?
or to destroy any and all records of theirs of a last decade?
WAKE UP .. Now .. or do you want to wake up later dead ........ revealing 911 truth controlled demolition is not a self serving joke.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Proven 9-11 Nukes = US Government Involvement. Irrefutable Conclusion = Treason, Murder, Crimes Against Humanity
1. Three Massive WTC Craters – See us government LIDAR proof: – Nothing else known to man can leave ALL the WTC debris and this particular evidence in the length of time needed , except a third generation Micro Nuke – Mini Nuke – Nuke. It’s 100% classic textbook nuclear event residue – ZERO ANOMALIES.
2. Five Acres (1.2 Billion Pounds = Weight of Residue of 3 WTC Buildings (WTC 1, 2, and 6)) of WTC Land Brought to Seering Temperatures in a Few Hours by an ‘Anaerobic, Chlorine Fueled “Fire” – Impossible by Basic Laws of Physics. See us gov Thermal Images proof – Nothing else known to man can leave ALL the WTC debris and this particular evidence in the length of time needed , except a third generation Micro Nuke – Mini Nuke – Nuke. It’s 100% classic textbook nuclear event residue – ZERO ANOMALIES.
3. Tritium Levels 55 Times (normal) Background Levels assessed a numerical value of ‘traces’ and ‘of no human concern’. See us government (DOE report) proof: – Nothing but a NUCLEAR EVENT can cause ‘tritium’ formation – basic physics fact – Nothing else known to man can leave ALL the WTC debris and this particular evidence in the length of time needed , except a third generation Micro Nuke – Mini Nuke – Nuke. It’s 100% classic textbook nuclear event residue – ZERO ANOMALIES.
4. An Impossible “Fire” (Combustion Process).
5. 3 Billion pounds of building instantly turned into 2 Billion pounds of micronized dust. – Nothing else known to man can leave ALL the WTC debris and this particular evidence in the length of time needed , except a third generation Micro Nuke – Mini Nuke – Nuke. It’s 100% classic textbook nuclear event residue – ZERO ANOMALIES.
6. 16 inch steel Spires that withstood 1/2 a Billion pounds of building falling on them and suddenly turn into limp noodles and partially vaporize
7. Hiroshima effect cancers in responders and locals.
Mini Nukes Were Used on 9-11
Update: Mini Nukes at the WTC – 9-11 The Fetzer/Ward : Conversations on Mini Nukes in/on WTC/9-11 – 1 hour
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Candidate for Congress Calls for Deeper Investigation into Events of 9/11 | Veterans Today
if elected my first act of congress is to invite the USS LIBERTY survivors to speak on the congressional record about THAT day in infamy on 8 June 1967
My second act of Congress is to call for a new and open investigation into the events of that day we call 9/11 raised by
AE911Truth Experts Speak Out
NEW YORK CITY, NY (Oct. 26, 2004) – An alliance of 100 prominent Americans and 40 family members of those killed on 9/11 today announced the release of the 911 Truth Statement, a call for immediate inquiry into evidence that suggests high-level government officials may have deliberately allowed the September 11th attacks to occur
Active Military Look for 9/11 Truth at Veterans For Peace Rally in Daytona Beach | Veterans Today
VETERANS FOR PEACE and WE ARE CHANGE joined forces to expose the 9/11 government lies.
The 2 day event succeeded in reaching more than 1,000 motorists and pedestrians with free DVD’s and literature promoting 9/11 Truth as presented by Richard Gage, AIA and over 1,500 Architects and Engineers in the powerful new DVD release:
9/11: Explosive Evidence – EXPERTS SPEAK OUT.
After a decade of lock-step government and media lies, Americans have now earned the right to say: “9/11 is a Government Cover-up!”
This “revolutionary” documentary presents dozens of building experts and engineers who provide irrefutable technical analysis to explain how the government’s story about the events of 9/11 cannot possibly be true.
Monday, September 12, 2011
911 Conspiracy in Official Propaganda: 'Truthers' Continue to Offer Alternate Claims About Sept. 11 Terror Attacks
Rather fair hit piece, with facts, on 911Truth Movement and scientific facts the Movement calls attention to - namely that 911 is controlled demolition therefore inside flase flag operation therefore NEW INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION is dearly needed NOW.
THE WORLD NOW DIVIDES on Truthfulls - I will want to call "Truthers" "Truthfulls", and Ignorants, Abbetors of Crime, or Fascists per choice.
So per article, its now "activists" -
... "activists are staging events across the country to denounce as lies the official accounts of what happened that tragic day." ...
>well, yes.
Good, here is the whole your story here in official brainwashing machine called ABC News, Corporate Troubadours of Global Money :
.. "One group of so-called 9/11 "truthers" believes "controlled demolitions" brought down the two towers of the World Trade Center and an adjacent skyscraper.
There's the conspiracy theory that a cruise missile – and not a Boeing 757 – struck the Pentagon and that Flight 93 actually was shot down over western Pennsylvania.
And there's the claim that U.S. air defenses were ordered to "stand down" on 9/11, allowing the hijacked airliners to hit their targets. "
>> precious, precious, precious ... now, to make a cartoon about out of it. ...
Since its all too true to be true in though a beautiful country of America! ....
.... country caught in a dastardly growing pains of attempting fascism police state takeover, of serial world war crimes, of mad concentration of wealth and trickle up concentration of homeless and poor citizens.
N.J. Gov. Tom Kean, the co-chairman of the 9/11 Commission:
"They are not bad people … they just have these views that I cannot understand at all."
"Most truthers believe that elements inside the U.S. government planned the 9/11 attacks or allowed them to happen, to justify the invasion of Iraq."
>... da da da ... ya ya ya .. aha aha aha . a song by German band Trio, a one time hit group. Bad video, but a good song.
"The group We Are Change says it is sponsoring a 228-mile walk from the Pentagon to Ground Zero "to help bring attention to the ongoing coverup."
>no way, ...why dont they better worship ABC News?
Leading truthers from around the world have assembled in Toronto for a four-day 9/11 "inquest." They will try to convince a panel that includes an Italian judge, an urban planner from the University of Tennessee and a Canadian professor of psychology that the Sept. 11 attacks really were the product of a conspiracy.
Organization Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth is screening a new movie in the U.S. and Canada showcasing their claim that explosives brought down the Twin Towers and a 47-story building that collapsed later that day, 7 World Trade Center.
The movie, "9/11: Explosive Evidence -- Experts Speak Out," is a 2-hour and 16 minute assault of ominous music and dozens of structural engineers and architects making allegations about a "travesty of justice" and "an orchestrated cover-up."
They cite evidence that they insist proves the buildings collapsed because of controlled explosions and not by fires that raged unchecked and caused the buildings' structural supports to weaken and fail.
>da da da
"There has to be a revolution in this country!" he said. "They are lying to enslave and manipulate us!"
"I think it is true what they are saying: The buildings were blown up," she said. "Asked who might be behind such a conspiracy, she said, "Probably the government, I hate to say."
> i think too Truthfulls are right. They are true.
article further:
Former New York City Fire Commissioner Thomas Von Essen, whose department lost 343 firefighters and paramedics when the 110-story Twin Towers collapsed, said he initially paid no attention to the conspiracy theories. His reactions now range from anger to disbelief.
"Our government … can be a very incompetent and inefficient government, but I don't think it is dishonest," he said, "and the way our media is in this country, I don't think you could get away with it."
The truthers are unbowed.
At the New York screening of "9/11: Explosive Evidence -- Experts Speak Out," an organizer told the crowd that the facts were on their side.
"This is a very serious situation," he said.
"This is not a problem of information. There is plenty of information. It's a problem of organization."
Let there be Truth!
This is America, after all!
We will recover!
We will be a moral guide and support to the whole world again!
Trough the industry, hard work, principles, just wealth distribution .. through the Truth.. not military genocide.
All the roads lead to 911.
All the roads, and the light, lead to The Truth.
It is our common duty.
NY 10th 9/11 Anniv Activists LibertyFest hit report, L. Rudkowski: We dont know what happened, will tone it down today.

I asked Rudkowski what the "Truthers" were planning for the day.
"This year, we're all about paying our respects to the dead.
We're sending out a solemn message: we don't know what happened on 9/11, yes we have questions, but on the day we're not asking them.
We're going to stand in respectful silence."
Sheriff Mack, Arizona
I ask Mack if he thinks the government is hiding things about 9/11.
"Certainly. When you look at how the evidence from people inside the towers has been ignored. When you look at how Building 7 came down.
I was in law enforcement for twenty years, and I would dearly love to be on a commission to reinvestigate 9/11."
> What happened is controlled demolition, therefore inside false flag operation.
Per irrefutable scientific evidence, per common sense.
It is all well documented.
Fed Gov Downplayed 911 Ground Zero Health Risks. >Now doesnt want to cover health, cancer for first responders.
new documents have emerged showing that federal officials in Washington and New York went further than was previously known to downplay concerns about health risks, misrepresenting or concealing information that ultimately might have protected thousands of people from the contaminated air at ground zero.
In one instance, a warning that people should not report to work on a busy thoroughfare in the financial district—Water Street—was rewritten and workers instead were urged to return to their offices
Sunday, September 11, 2011
I Believe in Truth and I Will Never Forget. I Understand 911 Is Controlled Demolition Inside False Flag. Undersigned, The 911Truth Great Patriotic Movement. .. links at .. ..
Friday, September 9, 2011
911 is proven to be controlled demolition, therefore inside false flag operation. Unknown US, maybe foreign elements.
Per irrefutable scientific evidence, per common sense.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Has Our Security Since 9/11 Been Worth $8 Trillion? >911 is inside flase flag mind you<
Nearly $8 trillion was spent on what is called "security
"We're on the verge of bankruptcy. ... We are at the sort of tipping point of imperial overstretch."
>and criminal too
Inside war, police state security costs and profits of $8 trillion to friendly republican ruling factions. Who is paying? People of the United States.
Outside war, genocide in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, costs at $3-4 trillion. Paid for by the people of the USA.
War created by false flag is oh so huge nice profit.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Excellent 911Truth Science Video. Facts, experiments. Molten steel, temperatures. World Needs Truth. 911 False Flag .. ..
Great 911Truth videos/movies
Monday, September 5, 2011
the site is so too graphic depiction of war crimes terrorist rebellion cruelty it cannot be posted
titles only, no links .... too graphic to show to
Libyan rebels behead Libyan Soldier
Libyan Rebels stealing weapons from dead Libyans Soldiers
CIA fighting rebels
Libyan Rebels Sodimize Libyan Soldier with Weapons
Libyan Protestors and Rebels hang and behead soldier
Libyan Rebels Force Libyan Soldiers to Cannibalize
Libyan Rebels Torture Small Child by Sticking a Pole Through His Body
western terrorist rebellion
war is a war crime
complete fascist breakdown of law and humanism
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Bravo Barack: Whitehouse Creates Petition Site. Lets craft 911Truth Petition.
An official response is guaranteed for any petition that draws enough signatures - 5,000 names within 30 days - after it is reviewed by staff and the appropriate policy experts within the Obama administration.
To emphasize word-of-mouth organizing, a petition's Web address initially will only be known by the person who created it.
The address is not supposed to show up anywhere else on the White House website until 150 signatures have been collected.
The first online petitions can be created later this month.
The White House already accepts petitions through its correspondence office and that is not expected to change, officials said. - please sign up if you support new investigation and/or you understand the fact that 911 is controlled demolition